Giveaway! Mavea Water Filtration Pitcher

Thanks everyone for entering the contest and sharing facts about water. I’m pleased to announce that Katieosh is the winner of the Mavea pitcher, for sharing the fact that only 1 in 8 people worldwide has access to clean drinking water. All the more reason to value our water supply for the treasure that it is. The less we buy bottled water, the more we support the protection of safe, free water for all. Congrats Katie!

I recently received a Mavea water filtration pitcher from the company’s promotional department. My tap filter was ready to expire, so I decided to try it out. The pitcher has some special qualities that made it interesting to me, especially the fact that the filters are 100% recyclable.

The Mavea website has detailed instructions for returning filters back to them for recycling — at their expense. The activated carbon in the filters is made from coconuts, and according to Mavea, no part of the recycled filter ends up in a landfill. Nice! The German company Brita owns Mavea, and for years they’ve made it easy for European consumers to recycle their filters. Now, it looks as though they’re making it just as hassle-free for Americans.

In addition to the recycling feature, Mavea touts its support of a bottled water ban, a sentiment I can get behind. Whether or not plastic water bottles are recycled — and most are not — they still have a destructive effect on our environment. This video on Treehugger explains why recycling a plastic bottle isn’t especially eco-friendly. As the story points out, recycling should be a last resort. We need to avoid buying disposable products, and work to protect the water that comes out of our taps.

Try one of these sleekly designed pitchers yourself, along with a stainless steel drinking thermos and other goodies from the company. To enter to win the Mavea gift package, leave a comment that includes a factoid about water and sustainability — it could be about bottled water, water use, water protection — you get the point. The most interesting fact wins! The giveaway ends Monday June 13.

To learn more about Mavea, check out their site, as well as their blog, Inspired Water.

14 thoughts on “Giveaway! Mavea Water Filtration Pitcher

  1. Approximately one in EIGHT people do not have access to safe water supplies. On top of that, over 3.5 million people die each year from water-related diseases.

  2. I went looking for a Brita in Paris to give a friend and bought this one instead. It is far superior to our stateside version IMHO. I love when you fill it up the the little flap shuts automatically so no water overflows – much better quality all around.

  3. Next time you let the faucet water run for 2 minutes or more until it's just the right temperature…remember 1 in 8 people in the world don't have safe drinking water-please don't waste!

  4. If you have a fish tank, save the dirty water to use on your house plants. Fish emulsion is a good and inexpensive fertilizer high in nitrogen and phosphorous. You will be getting two benefits in one: fertilizer and water savings.

  5. Each glass of restaurant water requires two glasses of water for washing and rinsing.  Restaurants should start using recyclable paper cups or if you bring your own glass you get free soda.

  6. Assume there are 25,000 restaurants in the U.S. only Suppose 300  people going to each of those restaurants wants water. That means 25,000 x 300 = 7,500,000 people want water each day. Now, let's say each glass of water is 1 pint. If each person leaves even 1/4 of the glass untouched, that means  234,375 gallons of water left in glasses everyday! And, even that is an underestimation for just the U.S.!
    Moral: Never leave water in glasses, or don't take more than you need to.

  7. Less than 1% of the world’s fresh water (or about 0.007% of all water on earth) is readily accessible for direct human use.Conserving water helps not only to preserve irreplaceable natural
    resources, but also to reduce the strain on urban wastewater management
    systems. Wastewater is costly to treat, and requires continuous
    investment to ensure that the water we return to our waterways is as
    clean as possible

    Only 62% of the world’s population has access to improved sanitation –
    defined as a sanitation facility that ensures hygienic separation of
    human excreta from human contact.
    The majority of the illness in the world is caused by fecal matter.

  8. if a toilet is flushed 15 times a day, it used 33,000 gallons of water per year.  a water saving oilet uses 9,000 gallons of water per year.  using a water saving toilet can save 24,000 gallons of water.

  9. it takes 60 gallons of water to raise one pound of potatoes, and 12,000 gallons of water to raise one pound of beef

  10. Less than 1% of the world’s fresh water (or about 0.007% of all water on earth) is readily accessible for direct human use.

  11. Fresh clean water is  the most precious natural resources on earth ,with it we can survive,without it there is only famine and death.   the most dangerous species on the planet relative to the quality and availability of water is the human being.

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